L'enfer, c'est les autres...

sábado, diciembre 29, 2007


It's fun to think that we owe our 98-octane gasoline to our northern neighbour, US being their biggest oil rig, it is also kinda fun to watch our women and nature raped by blonde men in the sunny beaches of cancun while we drink our ice-chilled cervezas with a Smile on the Face.

It is also fun that eventhough we invented, discovered and developped xocolatl (also known as drinkable chocolate, a direct sibling of " hot cocoa") as an ultimate-luxury product; the best chocolate in the world is produced between Belgium, Switzerland, France and Germany (let them four have fun and fight for the title). It is fun that eventhough we invented bubblegum, people from the US think it's an All Amerikkkan invention, being "chicle" (some weird tree) the ancestor of it all. I was really mad one day when I was watching "Le moyen faible" (a Frenched-down version of "The Weakest Link") with the chubby lady asking where bubblegum was from and the stupid dude saying "Ollywood" of course, withouth the "H" since it is a mute letter in all romance languages. It is SO much fun to think of the Looney Toones skunk, called "Pepé-Le Pue = Joe-TheStink" in English (and Spanish) and this same character beign Italian (or at least havind a Heavy Marked Italian Accent) in the French version. Are Frech people really that stinky to our North American Eyes? Are Italian guys so stinky and romantic then, than even the French blame them for the smell and compare them to romantic Skunks? Where is Ze Romance then? Are French eaux-de-Toilettte better than Italian parfums? This Skunk is known because he's an irreparable romantic, and he's always following a pussycat…The cat there's just a victim of being black and white…does this has anything to do with Michael Jackson and his unfortunately lawsuits? Why praise a Pork like it was a King? When you think of all this and add Disney's fascism, it is not strange to see where our youth has arrived.
It's fun to think that the #1 brand of pepper sauce in the world is made by some amerikkkan fuck that steal one of our states' name and that don't give a shit if a Hurricane ravages it. I'm talking tabasco, of course...

It is so much fun that the Marlboro Cowboy (RIP) was some redneck guy, us Mexicans being the first tobacco consumers in history and the first cowboys too. This reminds me of the best cigars in the world –the Cuban ones- and the stupid embargo, and how if a Cuban touches American soil receives political assile, meanwhile if a minuteman spots a Mojado has the full constitutional-amendement right to shoot, defending its country from some deathly menace that can take its job from its filthy whiter trash hands. It's so much fun that it is difficult to believe…and that's why when we think of all this, we just can say…
"Ah, México Mágico"…
indeed, señores, indeed…


Anonymous Anónimo said...

wey, ya nomas has un documental contra los regios al estilo "el anticristo" y va a rifar tu blog, jaja

11:38 p.m.


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