L'enfer, c'est les autres...

domingo, diciembre 30, 2007


We're HUMAN; After All, together FUCK'ing with each other all AROUND THE WORLD."

I consider myself as a pretty lucky chap.
I had the opportunity of seeing these guys in the European City of the Holy Vice, by that I mean Amsterdam. In the hall which carries the name of the World's most famous Beer. It's next to the Stadium of the coolest-sounding European team (it sounds so clean, like, saying: " I'm a big Ajax fan" ).
Well, to make the long story sorta short, I had been in three countries before setting foot in the Highlands of Amsterdam. My flight went to the bushy Airport in the State where everything is Bigger. Then I went fag-smoking in some shitty airport where I choose (it was planned) to leave a normal class plane to take a superduperjet flight to Amsterdam Schipol.
My lady sis (she's really my blood sister) went to pick me up, I putted on some deo in the pits and then we headed ourselves Religiously to the stadium.
We took the train, cause u know, if you can drink and drive, well, let's better not drive.
We were given Golden Tokens, and I felt like in a BIG arcade...The crowd was full of nü-raver people, u know, with cheesy colors and stuff. Neon shirts with raver tattoos and girls in used- up-converse. Girls carring kegs on their backs. and they could fill your cup nicely, they were like baristas but hotter. (They were mostly -I think- Dutch).
The gig was in "oh so many ways" like a dream. I mean, I remember most of it, I remember the loops the guys putted on and the people screaming "FUCK".
well, the 90 minutes went by really quick, but I have some REALLY nice memories about that night. I have the American Apparel Shirt.
Anyway, I remember the show like a dream...
When I heard they were gonna play in Monterrey I started to save money. My b'day present was the ticket (along with an Star Wars poster book)
Monterrey is a really good city if you're a tourist. Also if you have money to burn, because there's so much stuff going on right now (like the universal forum).
The thing with US Mexicans is that eventhough we're so cheesy, we know how to dance and how to party. While there's guys that like to hear Rancheras, there's the elctro crew and the nü-raver people. And even-though few people knew another song than "One More Time", we have the fiesta in our Latino blood. The Dafties know how to
I arrived there with my Best Mates, we started drinkin' early since it was Friday...and Down in México the drinks are harder than the Chili sauce....
and that friday wasn't not just any friday, it was the Día de Muertos...so the vibe was really powerful. The opening band (Telefunka) gave a really down to earth warm-up session, and when they were done, I was ready to become a robot.
The thing with Daft Punk, is that they blend perfectly religion with music. I say religion, because religion deals with the Stuff from above, and...
well, these guys are preaching the same things that Jesús said...You know, it's good for you, it's alright, and I Need it Too...and the thing is After All, Love...Music and Good Vibe...
Some chick gave me a free popsicle with a glow-stick on the inside...and, at some point (the break), there was a glow stick rain. Like an army of radioactive fireflies crossing the Mty arena...
Some stupid fuck threw one at them...and -luckily- they went on...
We're Barbarians, or at least that's what I think when I hear the word "culero" (it comes from culo=ass) before The Encore.
It was dark, steamy, -it could have been hell- but there was a paradise vibe all around...
I had to hide my camera like it was drugs, and in the End, I knew it was all worth it....
at the End, I was so happy and so tired...no after party energy...but I understood that we're All Human...After All...


sábado, diciembre 29, 2007


It's fun to think that we owe our 98-octane gasoline to our northern neighbour, US being their biggest oil rig, it is also kinda fun to watch our women and nature raped by blonde men in the sunny beaches of cancun while we drink our ice-chilled cervezas with a Smile on the Face.

It is also fun that eventhough we invented, discovered and developped xocolatl (also known as drinkable chocolate, a direct sibling of " hot cocoa") as an ultimate-luxury product; the best chocolate in the world is produced between Belgium, Switzerland, France and Germany (let them four have fun and fight for the title). It is fun that eventhough we invented bubblegum, people from the US think it's an All Amerikkkan invention, being "chicle" (some weird tree) the ancestor of it all. I was really mad one day when I was watching "Le moyen faible" (a Frenched-down version of "The Weakest Link") with the chubby lady asking where bubblegum was from and the stupid dude saying "Ollywood" of course, withouth the "H" since it is a mute letter in all romance languages. It is SO much fun to think of the Looney Toones skunk, called "Pepé-Le Pue = Joe-TheStink" in English (and Spanish) and this same character beign Italian (or at least havind a Heavy Marked Italian Accent) in the French version. Are Frech people really that stinky to our North American Eyes? Are Italian guys so stinky and romantic then, than even the French blame them for the smell and compare them to romantic Skunks? Where is Ze Romance then? Are French eaux-de-Toilettte better than Italian parfums? This Skunk is known because he's an irreparable romantic, and he's always following a pussycat…The cat there's just a victim of being black and white…does this has anything to do with Michael Jackson and his unfortunately lawsuits? Why praise a Pork like it was a King? When you think of all this and add Disney's fascism, it is not strange to see where our youth has arrived.
It's fun to think that the #1 brand of pepper sauce in the world is made by some amerikkkan fuck that steal one of our states' name and that don't give a shit if a Hurricane ravages it. I'm talking tabasco, of course...

It is so much fun that the Marlboro Cowboy (RIP) was some redneck guy, us Mexicans being the first tobacco consumers in history and the first cowboys too. This reminds me of the best cigars in the world –the Cuban ones- and the stupid embargo, and how if a Cuban touches American soil receives political assile, meanwhile if a minuteman spots a Mojado has the full constitutional-amendement right to shoot, defending its country from some deathly menace that can take its job from its filthy whiter trash hands. It's so much fun that it is difficult to believe…and that's why when we think of all this, we just can say…
"Ah, México Mágico"…
indeed, señores, indeed…

jueves, diciembre 27, 2007


they tried...

and I said "no", "no", "no"

and I think it worked...

ps:thanks for listening....


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sábado, diciembre 15, 2007

I Believe....

Well, some people have called Me superstitious...that's because I believe in Miracles, where're you from, you Sexy Thing. And, yeah It would be Nice to be Older and Live together, in the kinda World that We belong...
I have bunny's paw in my key chain. Or maybe I should say that one of my lucky charms is a rabbit paw. But who the Fuck would try to steal my key chain if they feel a Paw in my coat?
I would like to just talk and put my head on your shoulder, but you're really far.
So my thoughts are just plain bars o's.
I wish that I could, you know, just go forward in Time, but Time is the Master, and I could be some kind of disaster. So this is me telling you -once agaIN- that I miss you really Fucking Much.
Some People say that you shall not marry (or get on a boat and/or plane and/or train) on Friday the 13th. But it's just about Prime Numbers, and well, the things I believe in are -above all- Math, Physics and Chemistry. And Prime numbers seem to cause all sort of weird things when asked to. Try to use your cell phone in a busy day (like the Virgencita's day, some Friday the 13th or just try to buy something in Sunday when you are in a Small Town...) or feel the Static Electricity on a windy "Santana" day...Try to flirt when the moon's full and Maybe you'll get Lucky.

With Math, I mean, you know, I really love it, but sometimes the algebra seems too complicated to handle. With the Other Ones, I have almost no trouble -the trouble, seems to me to be some of the teachers I've had-.
And Some Folks say that Love is blind. Some say that Love is always accompanied by "la folie" since it was her that left Love Blind in the first place...
But since Love it's just Physics, Chemistry and...above all, Math (time is a variable that depends on Relativism)
Well, I just believe in that sort of things. I believe in you and me and my and/or your mom.
I believe thatcha could be what I need to Believe.
And since I've got you everytime I wanted to, I do Believe...

Thank You for Existing.


rolita de los simios :)

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viernes, diciembre 14, 2007

Jane Says...

A veces te das cuenta que hay cosas que debes hacer, cosas que recordar, y cosas que es -mucho- mejor ignorar. El propósito sea desestresarse. Hay personas que se toman unas cubas, hay gente que inhala cocaína. Hay personas a las cuales les tienen que ayudar a alivianarse de manera profesional. Hay gente que le gusta el látex y los lubricantes a base de agua, y eso es simplemente uno de los ingredientes básicos del Whipped Cream (tambien conocido como "crema batida" y/o bikini en lata), digo, sólo para que sepas que cazzo comes cuando vas a *fucks y pides tu moka vientos con esa madre....
Tomo mundo tiene sus vicios y todo, desde las novelas baratas mexicanas hasta la (*bleep)ina, puede llevarte a la muerte. Mira, que Cervantes no sólo es admirado pro escribir con ágil fluidez el español mas indescifrable posible, si no tambien por ser un visionario en su tiempo. En otras palabras, era un wey que tripeaba, como muchas personas dirían.
Hay gente adicta al hentai, a caballonegro, ó a las dos. Existen otros a los cuales les gusta ser maltratados, o tratados como perros. Hay gente que trata mejor a sus perros que a sus dependientes, muchachas (les dicen "chachas") y hay gente la cual su mamá es chacha, sólo que se tratan de "chachas" de caché que nunca estudiaron (o que estudiaron una carrera Mientras Me Caso...o sea lo fáciLIN)
Intento llevar una vida abstemia y libre de adicciones. lol fucking lol
Ya no soy adicto.
But i still miss U.
I know u do too...


jueves, diciembre 13, 2007

Sage Words

"We're taking jobs that even them Black People don't want"

He's definitely DUMBER dan a FOX

Felicez Fiestas

Well, this is only to wish whoever reads this that I wish y'all some Happy Parties...

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sábado, diciembre 08, 2007

chiste para Ingenieros...

Chiste Para Ingenieros....

Estás sentado comiendo tus chilaquiles de Centrales, mientras llega una tipa con su novio borrego. Tomas tu Redbull Light por que sabes que tiene los 200 µg de cafeína diarios recomendados, fumas tu cigarro importado porque sabes que estadísticamente tiene menos alquitrán y más nicotina que un cigarro normal. Terminas de comer, y tiras -usando el tiro parabólico- una bola de papel de 100 gr. con una fuerza de 90 newtons, y le atinas al bote de basura que tiene un agujero de 15 cm. de diámetro, conociendo que la probabilidad de que atinarle es de 8 en 10 y que la fuerza del viento es despreciable ya que el día está soleado. Todo esto pasa mientras la tipa te ve boquiabierta y te pregunta:
"Eres borrego?"
Pero tu sabes que no se necesita ser borrego para impresionar.
Lo único es saber pensar.

!Feliz Día del Ingeniero!


lunes, diciembre 03, 2007

me too :D

LoGo PaRa TeeSHIrT



Por q es bueno saber DeFeKar...

ps: A ver si el chink le pueda hacer el paro al la Gran Caldera...
por que los delopus no so iniciaron in the right way.
le faltan 天使のたまご
pero ps esoal parecer no se consigue en México....


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spreadin' the Word n de laaav...

if you WANT US to treat ur daughter the way She deserves, just givessus A Call...
we'll do it all for u.
EVEN the Spankin'

ps: is u get this the wrong way, well...

this is just fun and i ain't a Memba.


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